How Trustworthy is Your CI Accelerator? A Comparison of the Trustworthiness of CI Acceleration Products

Authors - Zhili Zeng, Tao Xiao, Maxime Lamothe, Hideaki Hata, Shane McIntosh
Venue - IEEE Software, pp. To appear, 2024

Related Tags - IEEESW 2024 continuous integration build performance

Abstract - The practice of Continuous Integration (CI) allows developers to quickly integrate and verify projects modifications. Thus, CI acceleration products are a boon to developers seeking rapid feedback. However, if outcomes vary between accelerated and non-accelerated settings, the trustworthiness of the acceleration is called into question.

In this paper, we study the trustworthiness of two CI acceleration products, one based on program analysis (PA) and the other on machine learning (ML). We re-execute 50 failing builds from ten open-source projects in non-accelerated (baseline), PA-accelerated, and ML-accelerated settings. We find that when applied to known failing builds, PA-accelerated builds more often (43.83 percentage point difference across ten projects) align with the non-accelerated build results. We conclude that while there is still room for improvement for both CI acceleration products, the selected PA-product currently provides a more trustworthy signal of build outcomes than the ML-product.

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  Author = {Zhili Zeng and Tao Xiao and Maxime Lamothe and Hideaki Hata and Shane McIntosh},
  Title = {{How Trustworthy is Your CI Accelerator? A Comparison of the Trustworthiness of CI Acceleration Products}},
  Year = {2024},
  Journal = {IEEE Software},
  Pages = {To appear}